simple meds

Simple Meds is a start up service that delivers prepackaged medication in easy to open packets to subscribers. Audience research suggested we needed to both explain the concept to potential buyers as well as build trust for an unknown brand.

designed for clarity and trust

I worked with the Simple Meds team to break down their process into simple steps. Iconography, short headlines and simplified text made the product easy to understand.

I used photos of the staff and product throughout the site to reinforce the white glove, personal nature of consultation and service Simple Meds provided, and to establish that the company wasn’t a faceless pill factory in another country.

a lead gen campaign success

In conjunction with launch of the Simple Meds I created the destination landing pages for our paid search and social media advertising.  The campaign struggled to find an audience until our marketing might was unleashed after being verified as a trustworthy medical service by Facebook.

The subsequent lead gen campaign saw an XXX ROI / stats.

poised for growth

The customer facing website and landing pages was essential to generating customers for Simple Meds. Optimizations we implemented saw conversion rates rise from an initial 4.11% to 6.08% on our landing pages.

The overall marketing campaign for Simple Meds instilled confidence in our client's financial partners to continue their support with plans to expand based on current growth.