daily connect

Daily Connect is a service and device ecosystem that provides daily check-ins on seniors. We launched a digital ad campaign with multivariate testing to better understand the packages customers valued and price points they'd find most attractive.

using design to focus the message

Our client had created marketing material in-house which we could draw from, but was looking to our team for marketing expertise and direction. As the lead creative on the team I took the client provided materials and pulled out the key elements we wanted to focus on in our digital campaign.


To get our ideas into a format the team could collaborate on I sketched out content and layout concepts as a wireframe using Axure. With these rough sketches approved internally our development team could begin building out the landing page while I focused on the creative and copy in conjunction with my content and strategist team members.

mobile first

Knowing that most traffic to the site would be from Facebook ad campaigns and Paid Search, we prioritized the mobile experience, but ensured the desktop design was just as compelling.

multivariate tests

Reviewing data from the launch of the first campaign revealed intriguing insights. To better understand user price sensitivity we launched an A/B split test between the previous landing page and a shorter version, and a final multivariate test with three color options.

data and design shapes roadmap

Over the course of our three two-week sprints, our landing page optimizations dropped page bounce rate from 90% to 19%, with conversion rates rising from .08% during sprint 1 to 3.9% during sprint 3. Changes in package prominence, pricing information and content layout were instrumental in page performance. Insights gleaned from the campaign helped our client shape the next step of their product and marketing development.